Monday, January 27, 2014

Calendar journaling

As I turned the page on my last calendar journaling I realised this is the last spread in my current journal
I started with the party invitation for my sister-in-law's birthday and was moved to add colourful watercolour crayon lines beneath for happy doodling.
For the second spread I thought I'd try some embossing
and using Perfect Pearls
As the page evolved, these elements changed. I love the embossed flower with watercolour crayon added.
and the perfect pearls flowers are still lovely with Twinkling H2O watercolours applied
but sadly the watercolour wash over the butterflies disguised them completely. It's all learning!
I'm trying to work out why I feel happier with the look of this spread
than the previous one. Seen here
Is it that there's less writing and larger "art" focals? Softer colours? More of my favourite colours? More doodles framing the individual days? Love that I have this blog to capture development of the pages and my art style, and also happy to have you along on the journey. What do you think?
This last spread business snuck up on me. Now I need to create the cover for this journal - it's totally blank right now
I am forward to seeing what I come up with. I was really happy with the last cover I customised on this kind of journal
Travel Journal
After that I'll have to make a {quick} decision about what my next calendar journal will be.
You can see my other calendar journaling pages in my Flickr set.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on filling a journal. Always a good feeling isn't it? And for me always a little sad too, like saying goodbye to a steady companion. ;-)


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