Sunday, August 25, 2013

10 minutes a day

Back in March this year, Kelly Kilmer posted a 10 minute Art Making Challenge - the main premise is that if you've got 10 minutes in your day to watch TV, go blog surfing, or look at Facebook, you could use that 10 minutes to make art.
I decided to give myself a week of 10 minutes every day in my art journal and see what could happen...
Day 1 - opened my journal to the next "blank" page
Rubbing on this page was from my slipper (I just had to try it!) and had randomly stuck down that bit of leftover paper at some stage.
SET THE TIMER :: gathered an image and some background papers that I liked
Cut around the image and tore some of the papers and started to lay them down. Decided that I don't want to retain the rubbing and the birdy paper just isn't go to work so ripped it off!
Playing with layout
Needs a little more
TIMER STOP :: nothing glued down...let's see how far I get tomorrow. Would love if you would join me and show me how you go.

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