Monday, August 26, 2013

10 minutes a day : 2

Yesterday the timer went off when I had this arrangement, nothing glued down. All I know at this point is that I want to add more pink.
First up I gathered some washi tapes, a couple of pink papers, and opened my boxes of journaling extras. The box on the left contains rub-ons, stickers, journaling tags, etc. The box on the right is my "journal junk" box where I throw anything that might go into a journal some can see a coloured tag, sprayed doily, a piece of card with negatives of punched shapes, some chipboard get the idea
SET THE TIMER :: I wanted to add one of the pink papers, and tried out a couple of arrangements. Turns out I liked both pink papers
But I really liked the green spots that I started the day with. Here's the arrangement I decided on and glued down.
Not sure where to go from here...tape seems a good place to go, so I added a strip down the right-hand side when TIMER STOP ::
10 minutes can go really fast! See you tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lynette

    the 10 minute challenge is perfect for me - I'll give it a go and let you know how disciplined I am!
    I feel like I'm drowning at the mo with no time for 'me'...
    like I returned from 6 weeks away to a totally overgrown garden, every window in the house is growing green mould - that's only the start...
    My dear husband has bought an old boat he is doing up, so housework wasn't on his agenda!!!

    Thank you for popping in and your kind comment.
    I've been over to see Kelly's blog (yum) and I'm inspired!


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