Friday, April 5, 2013

This week

The only place where housework comes before needlework is in the dictionary   
~Mary Kurtz
Except this week! I've been sorting the house out after an Easter weekend road trip to Tauranga. Thought I would share a few snaps so some of my new northern hemisphere followers can see some of beautiful New Zealand.
Must stop here if traveling through either Otaki or Taihape
- great coffee and beautiful gardens
We took another walk around gorgeous Mount Maunganui
- as you can see we are still enjoying a glorious summer.
I also finished and enjoyed this book
Yes, it's the same Molly Ringwald from "Sixteen Candles" and "Breakfast Club" 80's movies fame all grown up. The book is a collection of short stories that link together through some common characters.
After finishing 30 days of lists I've cleared the decks and thought about my focuses for this month. This is my studio table at the moment 
- currently awaiting time for me to do part 2 of Susan Claire's Chain Reaction Mystery Quilt which I started here.
I'm ready to make some more progress on this which you last saw in February
and hopefully these blocks which I've just popped back up on my design wall
again which last appeared a while ago :: September last year! This is a raw-edged applique quilt by Piece O' Cake designs. You can see the completed quilt and download your own pattern here. At the moment the blocks are just fused to the background.
It will be sashed with fabrics forming a blue chequerboard and then appliquilted which is quilted and appliqued all in one step.
Can't wait to get going on all 3 projects!
Looking a bit ahead, if you are in Wellington June 1&2 , you might like to check out this :: Handmade 2013
Have a creative weekend :-)

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