Sunday, March 31, 2013

30 Days of lists : The End

The last week of the lists.
How did I know what I was doing this time last year? 12 months ago I was still doing the calendar challenge and of course I have this blog to capture projects. I also have this delightful Kelly Rae Roberts date book gifted by a dear friend.
I used different pens to note down what i was reading/watching/creating/inspired by that year
and I'm still using it to write down what I'm reading/writing/creating each month.
I love to have this record.
Quotes that get me through the day/week/month
This was the base page for list 30 :  
Embossed tape lines from Creative Jumpstart by Nathalie Kalbach - go here and you can still get to the jumpstarts until June 2013 : Mouse over CJS 2013 in the top right, slide down to highlight The JumpStarters 2013 and they will all magically appear :-) This is the first technique - scroll down to the second video.
And here's the last list
Journal of 30 Days of Lists March 2013 completed

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