Thursday, March 7, 2013


I am in a state of excitement and nerves....last month I was phoned and asked  if I would like to teach a mixed media themed book class at Angels In Gumboots - a quilt and craft shop in Ashhurst. They had seen my work and liked my Pansy book
I've learned so much since I made that book. I delivered the new class samples today, and will teach next month.
 A couple of different cover ideas
Here's a selection of some of the pages within the Heart Book
 We'll be exploring fabric printing and transfers
 Ideas for tags and combining different materials
 And different ways of including words in your work... among other things
Hopefully everyone will go away inspired with new ideas. Wish me luck :-)

EDIT 19th April : sadly this class has been cancelled.


  1. GOOD LUCK!!! I know everyone have fantastic time your work is amazing!!!

  2. It will be a very cool class to do - you will be an inspiring teacher and your books are lovely!

  3. How exciting! Wishing you the best of luck, but I'm sure it will be a big succes. Those samples are gorgeous by the way.

  4. Looks awesome.I'm sure you'll have a great time. Rhonda

  5. Congrats, really exciting. You will be a grea teacher.
    lovely greet

  6. I definitely wish you luck lyn - you will love it :-))


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