Monday, March 4, 2013

TAP transfers

Lesley Riley's TAP transfer paper is wonderful (click on her link to get more info about the transfer process). You print your images onto it through your inkjet printer and then transfer to lots of different surfaces with the heat of an iron.
It's been a while since I did this, and decided to do some for my indian wall-hanging. There are a few things to be aware of that I had forgotten.
First thing - the TAP paper does get old and may not work if it's been in contact with moisture. Store in a ziplock bag once opened.
My first transfer was on some VERY old paper and didn't make any impression on the fabric...the remaining paper isn't a dead loss though - I like the distressed look and it's a lovely image to start a new journal page
More success with a new pack of paper. First on cotton fabric - again some lessons about backgrounds.
The detail needed for her for the wall hanging was lost on this, so tried again on a  lighter background.
This I really like with the background print giving some texture. I also printed a lovely border design which was ironed to dyed fabric to great graphic effect
I wanted a busy background for my elephant print --
but worried that this is too busy. Might still try stitching it. Second try on a colourful background without extra pattern to distract from the elephant
Will share again when he is completed with stitch and beading.
Next was lutradur. I used plain lutradur for the image of dancing feet below on the wall-hanging.
When you iron your print, you will get the reverse image on your receiving surface
With lutradur, because of its transparent nature you can turn the image over and use that way as well. The lutradur was a subtle green colour.
My final transfer was on organza, and I don't really want to show you but it's a good lesson and warning! I tried to transfer onto a piece of organza I had originally gelli printed on.
The paint on the organza (above left) was too much of a distraction to see the image, but as you can see it has transferred beautifully through that onto my ironing board!! (above right) When transferring to organza or other sheer, make sure you have a fabric or paper behind which you also want to take the transfer.


  1. Maybe you hould do your whole ironing board - it might make the regular ironing slightly more bearable :-))

    Love how your hanging is turning out

  2. So many interesting techniques you've tried here, really exciting.

  3. Love your ironing board, it made me smile!!
    And wonderful that you've found an effective way to use old TAP paper - I wont have to throw out my expired paper after all!

  4. Wonderful results, I've read about this paper but never tried it, great quality images, love them all! Mx


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