Tuesday, February 5, 2013

New Cards

Recently I needed to make 4 cards, so decided to double my production for the effort by making 8 bases. Started with some tape and spray inks through stencils
Various ribbons added with stitch and these are bases ready to customize as the occasion arises
The 4 that I needed are finished below with butterflies and words cut from old books
And then I remembered that I also needed a card for my Grandmother's birthday tomorow.
- happy that I made those extra bases ;-)


  1. These are fabulous - love your 'new' painty style

  2. Very cool Lynette . . . and love what yuou're creating n your Full Tilt Boogie journal.
    Happy Waitangi Day! I'm going to play ALL DAY! I have pencil cases to make! :)

  3. Ooh these are just gorgeous. Well done!


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