Sunday, February 3, 2013

It's hot!

Managed to finish a couple more pages in my Full Tilt Boogie journal.
As per my last post all I could bring myself to do with the above page was write some notes about our week with aussie relatives.
Life is good and hot at the moment...I can't think of much else to journal about!!
First day back at school for the boys tomorrow and Week 1 of my plan to focus a whole week on one project can begin in earnest. Happily this week is the beginning of the new Letter Love course by Joanne Sharpe and fits right into my week 1 focus of Books and Journals.
Love that is self-paced and I don't have to get it all done within February. I'm sure it will be useful for ideas when I'm doing 30 Days of Lists in March.
This is my last lesson from Letter Love 1
It will hang on my studio wall reminding me of my word for 2013 : Completion


  1. Fantastic pages and beautiful work Lynette.
    Love it marvelous colors and composition.
    lovely greet and nice Sunday

  2. Love all your pages but especially th last one

  3. Gorgeous pages, particularly love the colour of the first one.
    Anne x


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