Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Word for 2013

My word for this year is COMPLETION. I've had a word other years and although I sometimes lose sight of it towards the end of the year, I do find it a helpful way to start. 
My main creative focuses for this year are going to be STITCH (quilts and mixed media fibre art) and HANDMADE BOOKS AND JOURNALING. I love mixing paper, fabric and stitch, so if I can make some projects combining those things together I'll be in my happy place.
As well as the new classes from yesterday, I already have a number of classes which I would like to continue exploring (see my workshop headings on my sidebar) and some incomplete projects which I would love to see finished.
I read about Hanna's idea of #365 in 2013 and was almost tempted until sanity reigned moments later! I then toyed with the idea of "52 things" - 1 creative thing a week for 2013..then I realised that if I just complete all the pages in this journal, that will be 52 things on its own!
I've already done 2 more pages and we've only had 2 weeks of the year so far so I'm on track ;-)
Before journalling
This is my Plan :: Most of the things I listed in my last post were paper focused. To make sure I get some stitchy things done as well, I have decided to focus on a different media each week. I will rank my 'to do' list and focus on one project at a time for a whole week. Hopefully I will see some real progress, and even some completion of things. 
Will be practising micro-movements each week as well as trying to stay off the computer and focus on creating when I get the chance.
So this is how it will go each month:: 
Weeks 1 & 3 : Books and Journals
Weeks 2 & 4 : Stitch or Quilt
Week 5 : an occasional bonus week so focusing on the project I most want to complete
I still intend to have Workshop Thursdays - most Thursdays I will put other things aside and devote the hours of 10-2.30pm to a particular project or playday. Other days will be whatever time I can snatch around other commitments.
All this to start properly in February - the boys start back at school on Monday 4th.Working on Creative Jumpstarts when I can until then.
Wish me luck for COMPLETION.....


  1. Oh make me want to get busy.

  2. Hi Lyn - definitely good luck for 'completion'. My word is even simpler - it's DO (anything really) but with a focus on using what I have and not buying and completion will come into it - journals, mini albums, swaps etc. Happy New Year. Jacqui

  3. Your blog posts are so good for making me think......this is the first year in ages that I hadnt made any resolutions, I just didnt seem to have time or space to think about them, but reading your words brings home to me the value of them, so my words for the year will be 'make time' !


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