Monday, January 14, 2013

Classes anyone??

January is wonderful for summer holiday fun, but frustrating for me. I get an overload of wonderful creative ideas from others starting new projects and announcing new classes, and little time to create myself with boys on holiday until February.
There IS time to plan, however, and I thought I would share the classes I am thinking about for the year : 
January :: creative jumpstarts
- loving watching these lessons and have tried a few techniques which I'll share in later posts.
Thinking about whether to join Joanne Sharpe for a new letter love class in February

LETTER LOVE-201 New class preview! from joanne sharpe on Vimeo.
30 Days of Lists - starts in March - registration from Mon 4th Feb
I really enjoyed the book I made last year
and I'm thinking I could use this one for 2013.
I want to investigate 21 secrets from Dirty Footprints Studio 
- it starts April and has some awesome tutors
Saturday 4th May is our annual Quilt Tote & Gloat show. I would love to get some quilts finished to show, and I may be able to take a machine quilting class with our speaker Cindy Needham
Last year I also did a Strathmore Online workshop with Traci Bautista. This year in September Jane LaFazio & Joanne Sharpe are taking Artful Cardmaking Techniques. Loved Joanne's original Letter Love class and always admire Jane's work so this is a definite for me.
And I so enjoy Mary Ann Moss's classes I am hoping I will have time to take her Stencilry AND Stitched and Stenciled Classes available as a package for US$40. Mmmm - looking at my other months highlighted this might be good for my birthday in June :-)
Of course I already have a number of classes which I would like to continue exploring and some incomplete projects which I would love to see finished. 
Will share in my next post how I plan to get everything done!!


  1. Hi Lynette, Happy New Year to you! Look like 2013 is going to be a rather busy time for you. Juts as well you had a restful(?) holiday huh.I shall look forward to hearing how you will balance all this new enthusiasm for the years work....Go Gal!

  2. I can't wait to get settled...if that ever happens...because then I'll pick a class and actually DO it. I signed up for 21 Secrets last year...but lots of the video didn't work on my laptop so I got frustrated and only did 2 of the workshops. Sounds like you have a creative year ahead!

  3. Like you I'm looking at the smorgasbord available and my eyes are bigger than my belly! I signed up for 21 secrets and I'm SERIOUSLY tempted by Joanne Sharpe's on-line menu however there's a small matter of the full-time day job and the rest of life to consider. . . what to do, what to do? I haven't taken one of Joanne's classes but which one? They all look so yummy and the fact that they're self paced and with unlimited access forever is very, very attractive.

    It sounds like it's just a matter of which one, don't you think?

  4. Loving the creative jump start videos and have signed up for the strathmore one as well.

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