Friday, August 17, 2012

Quilt banner finished

Finally finished something I can show you this month :: here is my quilt banner of 6 inch blocks showcasing 8 different techniques.
It will hang with others at our club quilt show in September. Check out my over-achiever friend Liz who has made 6 banners by herself! She has a good photo there which shows you how the different coloured banners look hung together.
I showed you the blocks before they were put together here. Here are some closer shots so you can see the quilting details (and click on them for an even closer view).
Making good progress on my challenges...they are due in on Monday 27th for this show :


  1. WOW this is terrific and very very beautiful work. Fantastic art work. Love it very much.
    Very nice weekend and lovely greet

  2. LOOKING GOOD Lyn!!! I hope they get lots of these panels I think they will look really arty hanging together!!!!! Finished my challenges now to put velcro on my other quilts for display,,,,,, time is getting away on me!!!! Happy Quilting Liz

  3. Looking great! Did you do a hand quilted one? I was going to, then it got too hard, so I just 'tied' a block! Very simple, but I've not done it before!

  4. Looks Fab! I love that there are so many different techniques in the one piece, gorgeous colour to work with! Mx

  5. Lynette you have done a very beautiful work with your quilt banner, lovely colors.


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