Friday, August 24, 2012

Back in the land of Letter Love

Haven't been doing many lessons lately from my Letter Love class, but am looking forward to returning to them again in the next week or so. Thought I would share a little of what I was last doing there.
This was a fabulous exercise to have the effect of different pens on black paper as a reference point. Definitely want to play more with these....Don't you love those Tim Holtz butterfly & script Tissue Tapes {sigh} - more ideas on using his tapes here.
One of the other lessons was exploring old fashioned scripts for lettering ideas. Lots of inspiration in this book.
Joanne has used some lessons in the course to expose us to different types of tools. One of the videos was of a parallel pen which she demonstrated how to use for calligraphy. Since I have some zig calligraphy pens, I decided I could just have a play with those. That reminded me of Lisa Engelbrecht's book which I own and love :
Click here for a sneak peek inside via Amazon
I highly recommend it - it's not just calligraphy.
Still a few more lessons to explore before I actually reach the end of the course so will still have more to share in the future.
And if you want some Quilty inspiration for your weekend - check out Linda's photos of the Festival of Quilts ... can't wait to get my hands on that new Frances Pickering book :-)
Hope you have a lovely artsy weekend.


  1. Gosh Lynette...I don't know how I've missed your posts but so happy you stopped by and left your lovely compliment. I love the lettering play you're doing and always think about doing it myself...but...well no buts...I'm gonna get to it now that you've inspired me!


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