Thursday, July 19, 2012

Stitching and Reading

A couple of weeks ago I was asked to speak to a group of women about my quilts and mixed media creations. I was asked how many quilts I've made over the years and had no idea so had a count-up when I got home :: was surprised to find that I've completed 47 quilts! and that isn't counting the 3 charity quilts that I've quilted and bound, or the neonatal quilts I've made that our club donates to our local hospital, or my small journal quilts. I started my quilting journey in 1999, so I can say I've made almost 50 quilts in 13 years. I was especially productive in the 3 years of 2007-2009 when I made 21 quilts.
My thoughts have now turned to our next quilt club show at the beginning of September. There are a couple of challenges which I am considering doing at the moment. In the meantime I have been working on these 6" blocks for a banner which showcases different quilt techniques. We are supposed to choose 1 colour for all of the blocks - no surprise to those who know me that I chose purple :-)
Applique by Machine
Piecing and fabric manipulation for the middle of the bow tie.
Hand applique
Fabric manipulation :: pleats
Foundation piecing
3 more blocks to go and I can put them together and quilt the vertical banner. I think it will look quite effective. Hopefully there will be a range of different coloured banners on display from club members.
If you need a fiction recommendation for summer in the north, or tucked up by the fire in the southern hemisphere with me, I LOVED this book - off to find more of Maggie O'Farrell to read
And I will leave you with a link to some stunning photography - if you want to see more after that, here is Kirsty Mitchell


  1. wow... gorgeous stiching! love your work!!

    xx Tessa

  2. I love Maggie O'Farrell's books 'After You'd Gone' is my favourite - a heartrending read though!

    Great quilting


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