Sunday, July 22, 2012

Prepping pages

I'm still keen to continue to make a book a month and although I am not up to the lesson yet, I know that there are instructions for making a taped book as part of the Letter Love course. I had a tidy up of papers in my studio the other day, and came across my original attempts at spraying with silk paints in 2010. This is a selection of papers from that day (click here for that original playday post and a look at more of the papers)
I had only sprayed on one side of them, so I set to spraying the other side. The challenge was to make them all look the same to collect together in 1 book, without having the same silk paint sprays. Luckily, my home-mixed golden airbrush sprays and permanent ink sprays give a very similar effect.
I used most of the same stencils as well to give some unity but can you spot the lovely butterflies on the below right page?
This is a new fav - from crafters workshop
I think you'll agree that the pages all look like they belong together.
Look forward to showing you a completed book very soon.


  1. What a creativity, what a nice soft colors, what a beautiful details and layouts. Really marvelous work Lynette.
    Have a nice weekend and lovelt greet

  2. Hello Lynette, found your blog (I think) through...erm...well, several journalling blogs, I'm afraid i've got mixed up as wto which one led directly to yours! However, just like to say I love the pages you have done here, and look forward to seeing them in a book. I really must organinse myself and get a spritzer/mister thingy for my inks and water-colours.

    Like you I am often torn between stitch and paper, have recently returned to journalling after a long break, but feel I should be doing textiley stuff when I've got the paper and inks at hand and vice versa!

    I have just waved goodbye to my son and his family as they return home to your shores after a month wuth us here in the UK. Our weather has JUST improved! Would you believe it!

    Will pop by again, love your stuff!


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