Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Creating a book a month : June

So happy - finally finished my journal from the Roben-Marie Mixed Media Mayhem class which I started here. To see my other postings about this project, click on the workshop label below this post.
We started by using various sprays and stencils on gessoed file folders. I loved the process, but as the end got closer I was less enthusiastic about finishing a journal of that size, so I chopped my folders horizontally in half!
Before doing so, I scanned my favourite pages at full size so I can print them out later and use them again for other art.
The cover was done with cotton duck as a base. I gessoed it first and then used the same stencils and sprays that I'd used on the pages. It was lovely to work with and really easy to stitch once all coloured. I really like the feel of it now that it's complete - very tactile. Wasn't entirely happy with how the colouring was going until I added some lovely lumiere metallic paint touches (click on the pictures to see the glimmer).
Then I thought they were a bit too sparkly compared to the inside pages so I oversprayed a bit more, and then decided the covers deserved some sparkle! And here they are with the stitching done before wrapping them around and stitching in the pages.
Here's a slideshow of the complete book ::

I loved this class. Have learned lots that I know I will be applying to future projects.
For Creating a Book a Month for July I've joined up for Mary Ann Moss's Full Tilt Boogie class (currently on special) - look forward to showing you what I do with that.


  1. Oh what a gorgeous book!! And your slide show is great!

  2. This is such a great art work. GORGEOUS. Like it very much.
    Lovely greet

  3. Pretty cool work! The new class looks like fun too! Enjoy :)

  4. And the reason all the bookmaking books are out of the library is . . . I have them! Stunning!!

  5. WOW Lynette your journal is so wonderful, love the colorful pages.

  6. Your book is lovely and I am so glad you enjoyed the workshop! :)

  7. Very beautiful Lynnette! I loved the workshop as well. Great idea to cut the folders in half!


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