Sunday, July 1, 2012

Calendar challenge complete

I started the Calendar challenge in January 2011 and have been doing it for 18 months. Although I feel happy when I come up with my concept for the month, it seems to have become more of a chore than a joy lately to keep it up. I have many other projects I want to concentrate on, so I say farewell to this challenge now. Thanks to all of you who have commented and encouraged me along the way. My final June page started like this
It was really fun to continue with the doodling, and you can see this completed month at the bottom of these photos of all the pages I've done this year (click on any to see them in more detail)
If you want to see all of my 2011 calendar spreads - check them out here.
And if you want to see what others are up to, see them at The Kathryn Wheel, or at the Flickr group.
Hope you'll call in again to see what I get up to next. I'm continuing with Art Journalling, that's for sure :-) 


  1. i'll miss you on the challenge, Lynette. But i'm happy for you your life is filled with projects :)
    have a happy Sunday!
    ps: love how all of your pages have a totally different feel to it!

  2. Some lovely pages, but better to concentrate on work you are enjoying. Look forward to seeing more of your art journalling!

  3. I'm sorry to see you stop but I totally understand, I gave up in April! It didn't seem so monumental when I began in January, but you know, life gets in the way.
    Enjoy your other projects Mx

  4. I know what you mean, sometimes it's hard to keep everything up! Your doodly June pages are lovely! Valerie

  5. Sad to see you are've put a lot of yourself into the pages you have created for the year. Life does get in the way but I do hope you will continue to journal daily, if only for yourself, it is so fun to go back and read what you have done throughout the year. Even the boring stuff!

  6. Sad to see you go, but thanks for being a part of the journey for so long. When it feels like a chore it's definitely time to let it go. Keep up with the journaling!

  7. Sorry your leaving this challege, I love doodling.

  8. What a shame you are leaving ... hope you manage to have great fun still with your journalling

  9. Oh no! I hate to see you go! But I do understand the need to not feel pressure about getting it done. I love looking at all of your's fun to see them all lined up like that. I really like how you went back and doodled in June. I LOVE doodling!

  10. You will be missed but we all sometimes have to drop one thing to make room for another-thanks fo sharing your wonderful calendar spreads!

  11. Oh you will be missed, I have certainly been inspired by some of your artwork. Good luck with future projects

  12. Wonderful pages, but I so understand why you are stopping. This is exactly why I don't enter challenges like that even though they are tempting. I have enough chores and obligations outside of my art, so I want to keep it strictly about the joy of doing it. The only things I may enter every now and then are one time only trades and things like that. Still: my compliments for keeping it up for so long, you can be proud of yourself! ;-)

  13. So sorry you're going. Enjoy what you are doing, I'm sure lots of us will come and visit!

  14. Oh so wonderful all your pages. You did well to keep up for 18 months. I am up to my 7th month now and still haven't got the page ready so can relate to the chore issue.

  15. what a shame ! but I undertand you. Have a great fun for your projects !! And beautiful calendar pages !


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