Saturday, June 9, 2012

Weekend Research

No better way to start the weekend than with a good DVD:
Merchant Ivory make great films, and this is a beauty.
Onto the research - I'll make it brief, I promise.
I would appreciate it if you would leave some comments about how my blog works - you can leave an anonymous comment if you like (I'll tell you how at the bottom of this post). I have a couple of questions.
1. TABS - Do you like that every time you click on a link it opens a new tab OR would you prefer that everything opens in the same window?
2. LABELS - do you like lots (like I have down there in the right-hand column) OR fewer choices (like  Alisa Burke who only has about 10 headings - scroll down her left hand column) OR are they irrelevant to you? Do you know how you to use them?
I've got so many labels because as a librarian I know how useful such categories can be. I like to look back at individual Workshops I've done, or all the quilt posts for example.....would you like fewer headings and lose the detail?
*What would you think if I limited myself to only about 10 labels. For example: Reading/Listening/Watching -- Fabric and Fibre -- Paper -- Art journalling -- Workshops -- Paint/Ink/Spray/Mediums -- Book making -- Family -- Inspiration
I would love to know what you think.

At the bottom of a post click on COMMENTS
This will open a new screen
Type your comment in the box. Adding your name if you are leaving an anonymous comment is nice 
Click in the circle beside Anonymous in the list where it says Choose an identity
Then click the orange box to Publish Your Comment
The screen shot below shows you how your anonymous comment will look as opposed to having a google account which shows your picture
Looking forward to hearing what you think.


  1. I LOVE all your labels and categories, it makes it so easy to go back and find all those gorgeous and inspirational blogposts and links!! (and I know Mum likes them as well!)
    And the way the Tabs open works well too!
    All your organising is greatly appreciated - thanks!

  2. I prefer that links open up a new tab also the more labels the better. I agree with Katherine it's much easier to find something specific - at times we are looking for that. I wanted to search someone's blog earlier but she has no labels just 'Blog Archive' which only has the months so I had no chance!
    Anne x

  3. Definitely prefer entire post to open at start otherwise I get bored with reloading all the time. Love labels - they make searching a blog for similar topics so much easier.

    Not a question of yours but if I have to enter one of those crazy words to leave a comment I will only try it once - blogger seems to have such poor visibility on them recently that it has stopped me commenting on most blogs.

    Jacqui (in Auckland)

  4. I am comfortable wit your blog as it is, easy to get around and find what I want when I want,
    comes from very organised mind huh...

  5. New tab for links please, love all the labels (I sometimes forget them myself)) and the comments part is just fine as it is!

    By the way, I just love the stamps you've been making! I guess you'll be after your own tools now?

    Another 'by the way' is . . . I have discovered Ochre and the classes!! Such options - I wish I had more time!


Thank you so much for leaving a comment. I will always respond to you so check back here in a couple of days.