Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Be inspired

Not much creativity been happening here this lovely long weekend, except that Sam loved my recent artfully abstracted letter love piece and decided he would start one of his own ;-)
Today I just popped in to share a few blog loves I've come across lately.
Photos of hard, soft, decay and ethereal loveliness from Roben-Marie Smith
More beautiful photos here - colour inspiration at Lovely Clusters
Love Elizabeth Bunsen's journals and rusty work
Looking forward to seeing more pages from Anni - Rust and embroidery
Have a wonderful short week.


  1. Thank you for the lovely mention! :)

  2. Good on you Sam - I love what you've done!!

  3. So talent runs in the family then! what a great job, I hope he does more!
    I've seen a few of Christy's classes, she has such a great style! love her stuff Mx

  4. What a lovely boy and so talented, thanks Lynette for your sweet word about my embroidery and to link to my blog, have a nice and creative weekend.


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