Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Happy places

Feeling a bit down today with a bit of a headcold and dreary winter weather so thought I would concentrate on sharing some happy places this week.
Happy family viewing :
If you are looking for great fun family movies we highly recommend both of these from recent viewing (my two boys are aged 8 and almost 12 years)
Happy places online ::
Lovely butterfly journal pages demonstrated by Donna Downey - free butterfly images included in the supplies list :-)
Just discovered Bonnie McCaffery's VidCasts on YouTube -- lovely to see Yvonne Brown - she's talking about her book and her technique to make medieval tiles out of felt.
Also loved seeing Lesley Riley and her demonstrating with lutradur.
Both make me want to rush out and use my heat tools....

My table in the studio is a lovely mess - feeling frustrated that haven't got much to show at the moment, but ideas are percolating - happy place :-)
My birthday celebrations started last Thursday and have been going for an entire week. Feeling grateful for my family and friends who have been in touch, cooked for me, made cards for me, and shown their love with their thoughtful gifts and words. One more day of it tomorrow with a playday with a couple of creative friends, and I still have some vouchers to spend on Art Supplies....
This wall plaque was another birthday gift - it's important to remember that
Now off to make myself a hot lemon honey drink! Hope your week is full of sunshine & warmth :-)


  1. hope you feel better soon Lynnie! shortest day tomorrow - we must be on the up and up (hurtling towards spring any day now) Px

  2. Happy Birthday Lyn - hope you feel better soon

  3. no sunshine here, but enough warmth to share it with you:
    sending you some healing vibes and a huuuuuge birthday hug! :)


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