Friday, June 15, 2012

Doodle Delight

Alisa Burke's online Doodle Delight class started this week

So far I've been warming up...with my pen
and my Twinkling H2Os watercolour paints
I also tried out my friend's Derwent Inktense Pencils.
How cool are these colours? The below pic shows a heart coloured with the pencils - only one side has had water added....
Back to the class - it's on a blog and you get access to all the lessons in one go when you sign up. It's great value and great fun.
Alisa is a generous teacher and has a fantastic philosophy about finding your own inspiration, and making your art authentic to you - if you haven't seen her FREE online inspiration class called Finding Your Muse - click on the link and check it out now. 


  1. beautiful all thes different pages. Love the patrones and the colors.
    beautiful videa, thanks.
    Lovely greet

  2. I love Alisa Burke's art and I think this class would be good for me Lynette - I'm being too careful and controlled and I realise that part of this is around working too small.


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