Saturday, March 3, 2012

Loving Lettering

I'd had a problem with Vimeo which meant that I couldn't access the great videos that Joanne has available through her wonderful class. Luckily Craig discovered they have "new Vimeo" now which solved all my problems...and now I've been able to have a try at the next 2 lessons.
Lesson 9 : Letters in the Round
I loved this - but I say that about every lesson! It was fun to try something totally different from anything I've done before. The blue circles were done with my lovely koh-i-noor watercolours,
and I made the tapes myself :-)
Then a quick try at lesson 10 : Delightfully doodled alphas - my initials
I can tell I will have another go at these doodled letters. Fun to experiment with different patterns, and again my watercolours and wonderful aqua-flo brushes were great.
I'm also keeping up with 30 days of lists so far -- this was my base page
and this is List 2
Hope you are having a happy and creative weekend


  1. I love the look of the lettering course you are doing, I hope to do it later in the year. Thank you for the link. Inspired by your work to try free writing on my journal page.

  2. love your 30 days of lists page! thanks for commenting on mine!

  3. Your lettering is fab. I am only about to start lesson 9.

  4. great work you have done and love the lettering styles
    x catherine


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