Friday, March 2, 2012

List 1 : 30 Days of Lists

I'm participating in 30 Days of Lists this month. I shared my initial base pages here, and this is my front cover.
Each time I'll show you my base page and then what I finish with, but I didn't have a lot to work with for my first page base!
This is List 1
Created with some tapes, stamping with white acrylic paint, purple sakura glaze pen, white uniball signo pen, and the lovely gold sakura metallic.
If you are interested in more information about some of the challenges I've got on my list, click on any of the headings below
Calendar challenge
Creating a book a month
Baby quilts
Letter love
Lighten Up
- there'll be lots to share this month :-)
Hope to see you again soon


  1. Well, looks like you have your work cut out for you! I like the 'lighten up' at the end. ;-)

  2. The black and white just looks so good! love your writing (again!) Mx

  3. Create a book per month looks interesting!Love the lettering that you've done :)


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