Sunday, January 8, 2012

Travel journal

In a few days our niece is going to visit New York, London, Paris and then has a 2 year Visa to stay in England...
This is the card I've made her.
Even though she currently lives in Auckland and I don't see her that often, I will miss her. We have been close ever since I met her Uncle Craig
and then married him
and I've seen her grow through the years with pride when she got into NASDA in Christchurch (made this quilt to go with her)
and turned 21
and now she's flying away with this in her suitcase
Didn't have time to make it entirely by hand like I did with the Paris Journal so I started with this base
and turned it into a place for her to keep some memories of her travels.
The cover was easily painted and embellished - I would definitely buy this journal to use as a base again.
This is a selection of pages - I had a lot of fun making sure she never faces a blank white page
using papers, images and sprays
ribbons and tape
serviettes and sheet music
and lots of tags so she can capture photos and thoughts
and envelopes to collect memorabilia.
Bon Voyage Amanda xx


  1. This journal is one of the most special things I have ever received! Your creativeness always amazes me! I am sooo lucky to have a special Aunty, Godmother and friend like you! Will miss you SOOOOOOO much, and will keep you updated with all my travels!
    Love you lots and lots! xx Amanda

  2. Such wonderful gifts at different stages in her life.

  3. The journal is great, I'm impressed you worked your way right through it. You've been a busy wee think haven't you.

  4. Lynette this is really gorgeous and a brilliant gift - I absolutely love these types of journals

  5. What a precious gift, I hope she fills every page of it and then asks you to come visit to deliver another one!

  6. What a beautiful gift Lynette, I just know she'll enjoying filling this along the way.
    If your niece ever gets as far a Zurich let me know! Mx


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