Saturday, January 21, 2012

Workshop Thursday

I promised I would share about this magazine when it arrived
It is wonderful. Both inspiring to look at, and with practical projects. It's inspired my next project :-)
Love this journal by Christine Plummer and it fits neatly in with wanting to complete a project for my Holey Moley Workshop : Flower Power
This is what I gathered on Thursday
You may recognise the sprayed pages and tags from here and how I made the tyvek beads here. So far I have attached some coloured sheet music for one of the cover layers
and made a start on making some tags from serviettes and other papers...
Will share more soon. Have a lovely weekend - Wellington Anniversary weekend for us so a bonus 3 days with Monday off :-)
Be inspired by the start of Ingrid Dijker's new journal and the lovely book creations of Anni - a new discovery for me   


  1. It's looking scrummy with your collection of ephemera and papers - can't wait!

  2. Hi Lynette, I have this book to, it's a fantastic book, love the journal you have started on, your tags looks wonderful and they will fit perfect in your journal, have a nice weekend.


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