Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Blog loves this week

Hope you are having a good week. Next Tuesday our kids will be back at school again....the 6-week summer holidays always seem to speed by faster than the 2-week ones during the year!
Currently inspired by these posts :
Hearts and Butterflies postcard tutorial by Tracie Lyn Huskamp AND she announces a week-long blog hop of Valentine tutorials "Get your HEART on" starting Wednesday....
Jennibellie inspires me so much with her handmade books....she has started posting some video tutorials to make books out of recycled greeting cards. So far Part 1 and Part 2 are up on YouTube. Very cool.
Counting the days like Joanna is for this - have you signed up?
Everyone knows by now about Pinterest....I have resisted for a long time because I feel like I already spend far too much time on the  computer.... recently I found that my artwork -- MY artwork - has been pinned and liked and re-pinned...I am so happy that others like what I do. So then I thought I would join up, and it's been over a week and I still haven't pinned anything...I'm thinking I was right that I don't have the time given all the inspirations I already get to from blogging and flickr. These are a few of my fav flickr pools to regularly check ::
Mosaic Monday
Inspirational Mosaics
Colour mosaics
Hope you find something there to inspire you...talk soon :-)


  1. thanks for the link to the valentine tutorials, they look inspiring! And I'm about to sign up for the lettering class too!

  2. I'm in LOVE with butterflies & I didn't know about Joanne's class, it looks like it's going to be fun, thanks for the shout out too, I really hope you have a go at making the journals, they're so much fun :) x


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