Saturday, January 14, 2012


I find that in the first week of January, I write a list of what I will do for the year in the way of creative challenges and online courses, and then as the month goes on I see more and more things to tempt me!
In the spirit of Creative Jump Starts here are the most recent things I've fallen for, and some others that I am tempted by ;-)
Have been tempted by this for a while and succumbed to ordering it yesterday...
will share more when it arrives in the post! 
I'm thinking it will be fabulous for giving me ideas for working in this sketchbook (more on that in a later post)
Of course, this sketchbook is also responsible for my second "falling for it"...The above journal is going to be with me for the year, and as part of it I will incorporate Kate Crane's calendar challenge (Loved it in 2011), and my Lighten Up ideas.
I want it to have a painterly (rather than paper based) focus, and when I saw that Joanne Sharp is doing an online lettering class starting in Feb I just couldn't resist!...
I know, another workshop ;-)  But I really think it was serendipitous to find out about the course, and what I learn will add a fabulous dimension to my journal. Looks like she will be heaps of fun.
Joanne has a wonderful blog where she shares lots of inspiring letters & doodles
This is one of the lessons she's shared on her blog : a letter better lesson
Counting the days.....
I also think that if I can fit it in I will do Julie Fei-Fan Balzar's Stencil Course
It's free and you can never have too much learning right? If you clicked on the class link above you will have had to scroll past her Stamp Carving 101 class which launches on Monday...I am tempted but this is bad timing for me - yes, I am drawing a line at this one!
Another temptation that I haven't fallen for yet (but I really love the idea) -- Margaret shared a fabulous new postcard challenge for the year.
I loved these books which is where the concept came from
And then if you watch this video for making a folder for the postcard project.....
Happy weekend. Hope I'm not tempted by anything else!!!!
(PS I think there's something up with blogger with some links to specific might need to call back if some of these don't work for you today)


  1. Looks like you will be very busy being creative - so much fun to read about!

  2. You are such a busy girl! We need to get together for lunch again soon! x

  3. Lynette nice to meet you and thanks for sweet comment on my blog, took a little look at your blog, love what I saw and I can see we like the same books, have a nice sunday, I will come back and see more.

  4. wow, you are motivated... and organized! can you feel my jealousy? lol

    off to check out some of those classes you're planning on taking, they look like fun!

    enjoy the ride, i'll check in from time to time to follow the ride from a distance :)))


Thank you so much for leaving a comment. I will always respond to you so check back here in a couple of days.