Thursday, November 10, 2011

Thursday is workshop day

As you may have noticed I have enrolled myself for quite a few workshops this year!
There's been Mixed Media Melange with Julie Prichard and Chris Cozen which I started in February. Really enjoyed the projects there - playing with paint and papers mixed with a variety of different surfaces. I got through the first 5 lessons, and then started lesson 6 on perspex and got this far.
I really meant to continue on, but I just had to enrol in the Holey Moley workshop with Dale Rollerson from the Thread Studio which began in March. I was really enthusiastic about this - mixed media with more of a stitch focus. Shared some things with you that I did for the Flower Power lessons of March/April
and then I got distracted by other things....  
I did a day-long workshop with Yvonne Brown in May which I actually managed to finish in June before I started my 3-month contract working school hours at the library.
Then I fell for Roben-Marie Smith's Mixed Media Mayhem workshop in August when I needed something creative to fit in around my work hours. This course fit the bill of something that I could do in small bursts without too much set-up. These were the classes which taught me how to cover file folders with lovely sprays and stencils....This is my favourite spread so far
I so want to finish this class - I have other ideas for more file folders, and there are instructions for a canvas journal cover.....
Anyway, by the time you throw in the Card-A-Day challenge I set myself in October, and the monthly Calendar challenge, and other miscellaneous projects along the way I guess I should be pleased I have managed to fit in as much as I have done so far!
Last Thursday we had the velvet & bleach playday, and it got me thinking that Thursdays are a good day in my week to devote a day to a project - playdays or workshops. So from now on
Hoping that now I've declared that, you will see weekly progress from me on one of the above workshops.
The new Holey Moley lesson for November/December is "Rust and Rort Iron". Dale has told us to look for rusty inspiration and gather our colour materials – threads, fabrics, paints, sprays, crayons etc. in a basket so we are ready to roll.
Love this RUSTY INSPIRATION blogpost from Alisa Burke,  Flickriver photoset from Carolyn Saxby of "Sea Blue & Rusty Orange", Rust Squares by Stacy Hanna on Flickr - in fact, just do a Flickr search on rust
And here are my gatherings for today's Workshop Thursday
Lovely sheers, scrims and sari ribbons
Ribbons and wools
Appropriate spray samples and some new shiva sticks
I've been looking forward to this one :-)
Talk to you again soon


  1. Such a good idea to have a dedicated day - am looking forward to seeing all that you will do, especially with all the gorgeous materials you've gathered together!I'll be tuning in every pressure!!

  2. LOL, reading your post my first thought is: there is no excuse to be bored, ever! Glad you're enjoying so many things.


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