Friday, November 11, 2011

Christmas Craft

Went to Caccia Birch this evening for the Zonta annual Christmas Craft Fair.
The fine print above promised "music, finger food and wine while you shop" - who could resist :-)
My purchases were small but lovely : some more pretty ribbon from Carole
and I couldn't resist buying this beautiful brooch for myself. Gorgeous jewel colours and something I would never make.
Handfelted from New Zealand merino wool & silk
 by Marion Valentine
Earlier today I did some cutting and stitching for a Xmas project
Haven't done any piecing for a while.
It's nice to be stitching something quilty.
If you are thinking of making presents for Xmas - check out this quite cool idea from Kim Thittichai on YouTube decorating sketchbook covers with bondaweb and glitter/foil/fibres. Inspiration for different applications.
Hope you have a creative weekend.

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