Friday, August 19, 2011

Roben-Marie Smith

I am a really big fan of Roben-Marie Smith's art: click here to go immediately to her blog.
Roben-Marie Smith's blog header.
I love her free instructional videos on Vimeo and her beautiful mixed media fibre creations, as well as her use of sprays and stencils on many of her journal pages.
I have been tempted by her online Mixed Media Mayhem workshop for some time, and have finally joined up.
Have a look at her promotional video for the online class here and check out the flickr group photos from participants doing the class.
You might just fall in love too and join up with me!
These are my first efforts. We are working on manila folders which will eventually become pages in a journal.
The beginning of the page (click on any image to see it larger)
Stage 2
Stage 3 - but still not finished.
Having fun :-)


  1. beautiful page! nice work!! I took the class too and loved it! you will have lots of fun!! enjoy! Hugs linda

  2. Welcome to class! Great start! Keep us posted in the group on new creations.

  3. Wow! You have been a busy lady! I am so glad that you are enjoying the workshop and feeling inspired! Thanks so much for the kind mention on your blog! Looking forward to seeing more of your work! Have fun!

  4. Thanks for all the links...I shall go and have a look. Your page is progressing beautifully Lynette :-)


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