Wednesday, July 27, 2011

This week's good news

First piece of good news for my week - I've updated my blog post editor, and now if you want to see more detail, just click on the picture and it gives you the bigger version :-)
I made it to the Rangitikei Country Quilters exhibition on the weekend despite being weighed down by a horrible head-cold. I really wanted to go to the merchant mall to visit Creative Craft Supplies and get some more starburst sprays.
I have a really nice rainbow selection of colours now challenge is finding some more play time.
All inspired (again) by Roben-Marie in this video of her process of making a page.
The Marton show always features great guest exhibitors and this year was no exception : Anna Williams is a wonderful quilter - see some of her latest work here.
The other exhibitor was Carmen Simmonds : Glass Artist. I forgot to take my camera, so click on the link to get to galleries of her work. She makes beautiful pieces that look at women's "dress", and I realised I went to school with her when I clicked on her artist profile. So fantastic to see local talent that is getting recognised world-wide.
I had last week off work for our school holidays, but this week am back at work so the boys have been having some fun on their own.
And we've had some fun together : this was a very satisfying end to the series
Good recent reads : this was a lovely family story set mainly in India.
I am currently enjoying
Just love this altered box by Adrienne Goodenough using stencils and light moulding paste - another thing I could try with my sprays :-)
Enjoy the rest of your week

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the link to Roben-Marie's video - I must remember to think layers upon layers! Love your sprays too - really do need a playday!!


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