Saturday, July 23, 2011

At last....

We lost our home internet connection on Tuesday, and only got it back this afternoon. I felt very 'disconnected' and am so glad to be back checking up on creative blogs again and at last giving you a little news from here.
I have been stitching these as an experiment in wintery 'snowflake' design.
I free-motion stitched turquoise metallic thread over turquoise organza laid over an old book page. The idea originally came from Ruth Rae. Quite pleased with the effect - it's a lovely glittery look in real life - and you will see more of them when I show you my finished July calendar pages.
I quite fancy making something in an embroidery hoop, having recently seen this work by Kim Radatz and previously liking these hoops that Carole received in a recent challenge swap. I'm just saying I like them - not that you should expect to see one soon!!
The V&A's spring exhibition is The Cult of Beauty : The Aesthetic Movement 1860-1900. If you click that link you will go to the blog about the creation of the exhibition. There is a link from there to a wonderful video featuring the lead curator talking about the aesthetic movement and the work created by the artists, designers and architects of the time. The video pans through areas of the exhibition - huge amount of gorgeous inspiration to be had so do check it out.
This book is another recent inspiration  
Click here for google images of Frances Macdonald's art- some of it is simply exquisite.
My credit card may get a work-out shortly....Papaya have brought out some gorgeous new glitter gift tags and glitter sticker sets - I especially love the Muses
And if you are local, don't forget to check out the Rangitikei Country Quilters Exhibition at Rangitikei College, Bredins Line, Marton. It's open 10-4pm for this weekend.


  1. Thanks Lynette for all those great links....I especially love the work of Frances Macdonald. I would LOVE that book but its out of print in England I think :-(
    Your snowflakes look very promising!

  2. Thanks so much for sharing the work of Kim Radatz - a lovely find!

  3. Lynette,

    Thanks so much for the mention!

    Love, love, love the snowflake. Can't wait to see more.


  4. Pleased you liked the hoops, they were fun to make! Catch up with you soon! Keep warm, hugz C


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