Thursday, July 7, 2011

New stitching

I am currently in love with sari ribbon - the colours and the project possibilities. A couple of weeks ago, Katherine visited and showed me what she had been working on. It prompted me to do some gathering. The lovely muted sari ribbons and the book are from The Thread Studio - the stitched sample is by Katherine - and the article from Jude Hill about weaving a cloth base appears in this Quilting Arts Magazine (online extras here) I wove the sari ribbons with some other pieces of silk and cotton and tacked them to a supporting cloth of cotton. Then I "had to" purchase some new threads to matchand started to stitch This book (another birthday gift!) is going to be a wonderful resource for more creative stitching ideas. Be inspired by Jude Hill's posts about stitching and her hearts -- I LOVE hearts and spirals, and if I think I can find the time I will definitely do her Whispering Hearts online class.
Linda Vincent's lovely spirit cloth pieces have also been very inspirational to me (I will be moving to more colourful pieces after this one is complete)
And I thought you might like a close-up of Katherine's finished piece - turned into a book cover for her mother


  1. Am really looking forward to seeing your sample!!!

  2. Oh sumptious and sexy is that sampler? Omg, I want to make one right now!

  3. thanks for the kind words, glad you have been inspired by the cloth weaving and hearts.

  4. Fab, love your colour choice and the stitching creates such a great texture, love it Mx

  5. Hi Lynette, What a beautiful posting. Full of wonder and inspiration too!
    Thankyou for telling me how to getover my 'blogger issue'... you are my 1st attempt after taking your advice, so hope this works?
    Happy days,

  6. Glad to have found you Lynette ...thank you for the mention ;-) Spirit cloths are wonderfully relaxing to make; I'm on my 7th one!
    You have chosen lovely fabrics and threads...enjoy!!
    Linda x


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