Monday, May 16, 2011

Monday Monday

Thought I would start the week with sharing some sites that are making me happy
Remember these? Created by me from a pattern by Annette Emms. She has a new Pixie boot pattern available in her Etsy Store - fairy shoes also still available.
Judy Coates Perez created some delightful stitched houses some years ago. Recently other artists have created 3-dimensional stitched houses in their own style and brought them together for an artist village project. There is a blog tour during May of the artists' indiviual houses. All links from this post by Judy.
Linda Kemshall has a new blog
Thanks to Katherine who shared this stunning post of hand imagery with me. The whole blog is amazing actually - a new discovery for me : Sweetpea Path
Have you seen Chad Alice Hagen's Feltbooks on Flickr - lovely
Belated May calendar for desktop here
And I LOVE the books that Nellie Wortman makes and shares on her blog : some her pages gathered here
Have a creative week


  1. Wishing you a happy and arty week Lynette!
    Thank you for those wonderful links - it's great to share 'good finds'.
    I've been a follower and admirer of Nellies for ages - I hope you entered her giveaway too.

  2. Have just had a wonderful tour of the stitched houses - thanks so much for the link!

  3. Thank you so much for the mention lynette!X Annette x


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