Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Calendar Challenge : April/May

Happy May :-) Like last month I am a few days late with showing my pages (already 28 other entries at the Kathryn Wheel!) but once more have the happy excuse of being away on holiday. April was a wonderful relaxing month. This is how April started- a close-up to better remind you of the sparkle.And this is how the pages look now. We had wonderful weather and lots of lovely beachy days so the colour scheme I picked turned out to reflect what happened perfectly.We got home from holiday a few days ago to chilly breezes and a distinctly autumn feel so these are my base pages for May. Looking forward to crackling fires on colder days, with hope for some brilliant autumn sunshine still to come. Check out the other calendar entries for May at The Kathryn Wheel or the Flickr group.


  1. Lovely autumn colours, like your tag ideas too

  2. love your colors, so your going into autumn??...amazing!

  3. Great idea to use tags and loving your autumn leaves....being the other side of the world we are now fully in Spring mode looking forwards to Summer, autumn just sounds so wrong, LOL.

  4. Autumn I thought?? Then looked at your profile - I love these pages and although we are enjoying such lovely weather here (yes, we are in England,but it's true!) I do love Autumn colours!

  5. Love those red autumn leaves. Nice simple design. Wow! That glitter and sparkle on the top pic!

  6. This is weird - you are looking forward to autumn as we are welcoming spring! Great pages, I love your autumnal colours of May :-)

  7. Great colours, fantastic sparkle and glitter

  8. Lovely april page, great idea with the tags for each day. Beautiful leaves on your may page and as Kate said, strange that we are all bright for may while you are looking forward to autumn...your summer pages will cheer us up when we are in winter! x

  9. Love the tag idea and your autumn page is gorgeous.

  10. Autumn in May sounds crazy LOL - Your May page looks stunning - Fabulous colour scheme and love those leaves - makes me want to reach out and touch them.

  11. love the April page its great, especially like the date stamping great idea, so funny that you are on other side of world going into autumn, whereas summer (as such) is threatening here, :)

  12. Love your April tags and great colours for May


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