Sunday, May 1, 2011

Beachy Holiday

We have had school holidays here in NZ and we spent most of them on a holiday to the South Island : Nelson and the West Coast. Had a great time and have only been back a couple of days so have nothing to show you on the creative front, but these are my fav photos from our time away - Nelson was gorgeous sunshine and the West Coast was wild and wonderful. So grateful to live in such a beautiful country. Now I need to get moving on my calendar challenge and catching up on other people's blogs from the last 2 weeks so talk to you again soon.


  1. Beautiful photos, but then I love the West Coast. Can't wait to see the quilts and other projects that you re inspired to make.

  2. Fantastic photgraphs, Lynette! I had no idea you were so talented in photography as well. I reckon you should get a couple of these up as prints on Etsy! I'd snap them up instantly!!!

  3. Ditto Debrina's comment - Fantastic photos Lynette!!!
    Arty with a camera as well as stitching!
    It's great to have a change of scenery for a couple of weeks - lucky you!

  4. Gorgeous photos - make me feel that salty windswept wild air! And I love the little found heart!

  5. your country reminds me so much of mine...South Africa...we are also back to school today..will pop in here again..


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