Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Little bits

Sometimes I find myself being hugely creative and able to show you lots...this is not one of those weeks! I have been thinking about my tyvek painted piece from the last post - thinking about burning and melting options, and it is amazing what a change of orientation can do to your view of a piece. Have had a bit of play with our next Mixed Media Melange lesson - collaging and painting on vinyl. This is held up to a white wall - it is pretty cool, though nowhere near finished yet.Hopefully more to share with you soon...
In the meantime - I love the art of Adolphe William Bouguereau. Click here for google images.
And I have been thinking about more fabricy things again, so it was timely to find this YouTube tutorial by Lesley Riley creating a fabric collage book - it is really nice to watch someone else's process.

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