Friday, February 11, 2011

In Progress

The next of the Mixed Media Melange projects. This link is to the finished art that Julie demonstrated (and the piece that initially made me fall in love with doing the course).
The base is fabric tyvek- mine was a rather large piece (76x51cm).A variety of solid and sheer papers and fabrics collaged down first - the mixture included scrim, decorative paper serviettes, special papers, net, sheet music, dictionary pages, ribbons, coffee filter (used first and then dried), organza, and some neutral cotton fabrics.
Acrylic paint added with water to create beautiful blendy effects. This is still very much in progress because there are bits I'm not happy with. I love the overall colour balance/blends, and some of the effects of the colours with the textures showing behind are awesome.However, some of the fabrics didn't completely stick down - I wish I had used a brayer as a final step. It also turns out that the fabrics that didn't completely stick/bubbled are the least interesting in next step is to think about it, and consider what else is to be added to fix the bad bits. Obviously stitching will occur - but I also need to think about adding more layers of fabric and/or embellishments of some kind. Not sure what yet but I will keep you posted on progress. Advice like this is what I am doing a class for after all.
Have a good weekend everyone.

1 comment:

  1. This is coming on beautifully - and I love the trade-aid indian paper draped on the edge - that cut out piece was perfect after all!
    And now that I've signed up to the course as well, I'll be well inspired by all that you've already done!


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