Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Watching and Reading

Today's journal page. Have been wanting to use that image for ages.
Have been reading this book, finished last night I liked the characters and the plot, and it was told with different voices so the story evolved (some of it was in flash-back) from different points of view. A nice read about families and on the cover to get to Amazon's info about it.

Still thinking about this movie which I saw last week on DVD: It is a lovely costume drama - gorgeous to look at, well-acted, and the female lead stitches! I want to own it. Click on the poster to go the IMDb site with photos from the movie.

And the other DVD I won't to own is this : It's just been released for purchase here. LOVED this too - beautiful colours, wonderful design, and good plot line. I especially enjoyed how they managed the costume changes for Alice. And Johnny Depp was wonderful as only he can be.

What are your current fav's that you are recommending?


  1. Hello Lynette, just popped over to say hello and thank you for your lovely comment on my blog. I love Johnny too! There was talk that he was going to be filming the new "Pirates of the Caribbean" movie in my home town. I'll certainly blog about it if anything happens ...

    Have a lovely day
    Carolyn x

  2. Hi Lynette, I just popped in to thank you for your lovely comment on my blog. I L have enjoyed reading your posts on the book wraps. I like Angie Hughes work very much.
    As you are a 'no-reply' blogger I couldn't send a direct reply and I usually try to, but can't always visit blogs.
    Nice to meet you.

  3. Hi Lynette!
    Love your blog - that blue book cover is scrumptious! I want to work more with fabric, but it'll have to wait till the winter when life quietens down here!! Might have to check out the Angie Hughes book... ;o)


Thank you so much for leaving a comment. I will always respond to you so check back here in a couple of days.