Monday, July 19, 2010


Do you know the work of Angie Hughes? She is a wonderful textile artist who has inspired a couple of projects from me lately. The first, a velvet bag, I will share with you another day. Today I am going to show you a book that I completed yesterday.This started life as another play day, with an article from Quilting Arts mag, October/November 2007, as our starting point. Click on the cover for info about that issue.This issue featured an article by Angie Hughes on making textural book wraps. We started by roughly weaving fabrics.I decided to put a chiffon scarf over mine to keep it together, and then free-motion stitched it over felt to create the cover. This is the inside felt:and the outside: Mine turned out less textured than Angie's examples, which is okay this time, but I would like to try again and make it a bit more unfinished looking. Also the proportions weren't right for a wrap, so I turned it into a book cover. I gathered papers and painted some watercolour pages, and edged some too. These are some of the internal pages. I sitched the pages into the cover, and attached ties of different fabrics, finished with paua buttons. Not sure what I will put on the pages yet, but it is lovely to hold this completed book.
If you liked the look of Angie Hughes, check out her book too.
Lots more wonderful things to try.

1 comment:

  1. I'm enjoying your blog Lynette. I enjoy fabric
    and paper journalling. Very addictive. Keep up your lovely work.
    From another N.Z. blogger,


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