Saturday, November 2, 2024

September and October Review

As shared in my mid-September post, I delayed my monthly review for September and combined it with October since I had a trip away at the beginning of our school holidays. We were so lucky to have a wonderful holiday in Rarotonga - highly recommended.
Unfortunately, since we've been home, stress has stolen my mojo and I am feeling frustrated with myself but unable to feel inspired enough to create very much. I am so thankful to have my weekly project that I am managing to keep up with. #52cards2024 : to create a card that reflects the past week (ending Sunday). I must include stitch, the colour turquoise and a word. 
These were my September cards :
Week 39 = 3/4 way through the year so here's everything that far. 
And now to October : starting with Raro inspiration of course 💙
I post details about the inspiration for these on my Facebook Artist's page and Instagram.
I also had to make a few cards for birthdays in October. I decided to go back to the backgrounds that I had created in August 
and ended up these 5
I had the opportunity to teach a lovely group last month with a day-long mixed-media class. I taught my Star Book class as well as Tag projects, including how to make master sheets and Zines. These were my samples and inspiration for them
This was the master sheet I demonstrated and the week's card that came out of it. 
And these were their star books. It was a really fun and successful day.
Looking ahead to what's next, I haven't signed up for Fodder School 4 so I have more options for what to do when my creativity revives...and it always does 💜
Some free online inspiration coming up with another Zen textile-arts-focused retreat
The classes aren't available for long, but I am looking forward to watching Brooke Henry create this removable hand stitched notebook cover.
And of course there'll be December Daily-ish book projects coming up - will share those as I find out what's happening this year. 
When I am really stressed, I love to watch good movies and read good books. These were my favourite 3 books last month.
I hope I have more to share next time. 


  1. What a wonderful variety of art, as always. Hoping that your stress lifts soon, xoxo

    1. Thanks so much - as always ♥ The hardest part is starting - that's why the weekly cards are so good. I really want to finish that project.

  2. Wow, your card project is beautiful and very impressive! What a great year long project to work on weekly!

    I hope you feel better soon and get back to creating.

    Cheers from Sweden.

    Ps: Two of the above comments are spam (w. links) that you might want to delete Lynette.

    1. So lovely to have you visit. I haven't been on my blog for a while so this was a really nice surprise today. I was just starting my blog review post for November and definitely feeling more creative now. We are heading into summer so much longer days to create. Happy end of year to you ♥


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