Tuesday, June 4, 2024

May Review

As is usual at this time of year, I feel the effects of Autumn/Winter and recognise I am not as productive at this time. Instead of getting frustrated with myself, I have accepted that I haven't as much to share in this review but I've managed some small lovely pieces.
#52cards2024 : to create a card that reflects the past week (ending Sunday). I must include stitch, the colour turquoise and a word. 5 cards again for the past month.
I post details about the inspiration for these on my Facebook Artist's page
Last month's tutor in Fodder School 3 was Susanne Randers. I had been looking forward to her lessons and this is what came out of them so far. Creating fodder : 
Creating art cards from the fodder. My last weekly art card for the month was created as part of this project. 
I am working on the portfolio to house these but I don't want to rush it. If I delay posting I'll be able to include other art from Fodder School 3 and share some cards I make inspired by June's teacher Sarah Gardner
Also happening in June, Tam is running her gorgeous Kaleidoscope course for the 5th and final year
Sign up HERE for more info and the free taster week which starts 17 June.
Hopefully more to share in my June review. I post a little more regularly on my Instagram and Facebook Artist's page...depending on the season 💜


  1. I look forward to your monthly reviews. Love your cards. And you have a ton of fodder from Susanne's lessons. The doodles are fun and look wonderful on your cards. I have only part of May's lessons done as well. The portfolio is in progress. I really like the way it is made and the size of it. Thanks for the link to Kaleidoscope.

  2. So much created! You're a teacher, so me thinks your idea of slacking off is a bit twisted, heeheehee. And I say that as a child of teachers and a former one myself. I'm glad you've decided to just go with it because that's plenty of output! Gorgeous cards and fodder all. XOX

  3. Appreciate your comments so much. Makes me want to keep posting ♥


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