Monday, January 1, 2024

Fun Free Stuff for January

Happy New Year or New Year's Eve to those in the northern hemisphere! I said I wouldn't be posting here again until mid-month, but I just wanted to share some awesome inspiration which will be useful for me to find all in one place. These are all cool things for you to explore this year. Some are January-focused but could easily be done later. 
Caylee Grey of Get Messy has a Release & Return workbook. This was shared through her newsletter so make sure you do that too - sign up at the bottom of this page
Focusing on your creativity, reflect on 2023, release that which no longer serves you, and return to your true self as you prepare for 2024. Make a plan for bringing things into your life that your heart wants. This was in my pre-Christmas December review post but I didn't manage to do this in December. Thought I might print and take it on holiday with me.
In the past I've also done Susannah Conway's "Unravel your year" and "Find your word" offerings. Grab the link to get these sent to your email HERE
Rae Missigman has released a new stencil line and her tutorials on how to make these gorgeous tags might get you creative for an afternoon. 
See her video on YouTube and stills from that on the Stencil Girl Blog. I'm not buying new stencils, but I will be trying her techniques out on tags. Even if you're not into the floral work, I recommend watching her video for ideas of how to use the gelli plate. She is a wonderful teacher.
Erin Bishop of E B Mixed Media has released a class that is called Fabulous Florals. Free for a limited time HERE (no ideas when the limited time ends). Make beautiful floral fodder and stash for future projects. 
You might also like to check her demos out on Youtube and I am always inspired by her Instagram account.
Also shared previously but useful to have gathered in this post : Junk Journal January. This is a collaboration and hosted by megjournals in collaboration with Get Messy (from above)
This is the same concept as when I did
 Junk Journal July last year. Each day throughout the month, watch a new video from 30 different creators on YouTube. Some fabulous artists to watch. 
Thousands of artists also participate in The 100 Day project every year. 
It's happening again in 2024 - starts Feb 18, and Roben-Marie has shared her intentions and a free workbook and tracker for 2024 HERE - her 8th year of doing this!
It always seems a bit overwhelming to me, but you could maybe try working on a small substrate like a tag or mini-journal - you could start with the Junk Journal January prompts. I've also seen people complete this as a weekly challenge - be fun to make a master sheet on the weekend and then use that for the week ahead...So many possibilities.
Note to self : You can do ANYTHING, but you can't do EVERYTHING!
Wishing you a happy and creative year ahead. 

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