Saturday, December 2, 2023

November Review

I am happy to report that I only have a couple of weeks left of this year's final school term and then I'm on summer hols until the end of January. November has been a month of unexpected challenges, but as it came to a close I could finally feel myself coming out of the creative funk that I've been in. I always find art helps to work through tough things. 
I was really excited to create some watercolour floral fodder inspired by Fodder School 3 lessons with Tiffany Sharpe along with variations by Susanne Randers. I love that I have forever access so can revisit these lessons at any time in the future. 
These then inspired me to get back into my JIYA Journal
I only had cause to make one special card in November
I have a few birthdays coming up in December, so these last 4 bases will be put to good use and then it will be time to make a new batch.
In my last review post, I shared some December Daily inspiration. Kasia Avery is once more doing Care December, and 2023's theme is Blue. Sign up HERE.
Care December is 15 days of mindful, intuitive mixed-media art journaling. This FREE offering is your permission to give more space to self-expression through daily art making, and self-care during the busy month of December.
Here's the info again for #artjournaladvent2023. Info linked from Insta HERE with a youtube video from Raspberry Blue Sky here about how to make a journal for this project
Art Journal Advent is all about mindfulness and selfcare in December. With daily journal prompts - from December 1st until the 24th - we encourage you to take a short "time-out" by simply taking some time for yourself and your creativity. Our prompts are a wonderful mix of self reflection, mindfulness and creative fun!
I really want to combine these projects. Both offerings emphasise that they are not a challenge, but rather an invitation to take some time-out for yourself. 
These are my gatherings so far. I began by very quickly (within half an hour) grabbing a selection of handmade papers from my stash and folding them to a semi-similar size. I tore the extra bits off with a metal ruler, and have kept them to add to pages later. 
I began with the Care December theme of blue, but mine will be more paua themed as those are my fav colours and it is summer in New Zealand and I am dreaming of the beach. 
I feel enthusiastic looking at this pile so hopefully more to share with you soon.
Finishing this post with a book recommendation. 
Set in early Covid times it is a lovely read with lots of other book ideas inside (hint - the list of the books is published at the end), and includes some short chapter interludes where the author talks directly to the reader. I love this : 
I post more regularly on my Instagram and Facebook Artist's page. Wishing you a fun and creative December. Celebrate your successes. 


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