Saturday, September 2, 2023

Looking forward to Spring

This is a photo of my magnificent Magnolia tree and the gorgeous blue sky we have today. Feeling grateful and inspired. I struggle with being creative in the winter. The days are short and despite a good heater, I don't like going out to my studio at night away from my family inside by the fire. This August I've had the added challenge of adjusting to my new full-time job so I've just given myself grace to enjoy a month of cocooning and I know that September will see me start to stretch my creative wings again. I have been watching online lessons, buying and had gifted some lovely new and recycled supplies, resting (a mini-break long weekend away) and celebrating birthdays with friends and extended family. 
I did manage to make more birthday cards for some of those celebrations and love the masterboard technique where I use collage and metallic watercolours on cheap watercolour paper, and then cut them apart to make card bases.
These are what I can share completed so far : 
September means Spring soon and warmer temperatures and longer daylight hours plus school holidays at the end of the month. All of which = more productivity and fun to come.
There's plenty to look forward to if you are looking for free online art inspiration. This weekend is Wanderlust Live 2023. You can still join HERE
Get a taste for a new teacher and be inspired by some favourites. If you are busy this weekend, don't panic. They'll be recording everything. Join now and you'll get access to all videos once the event is over without extra charges.
Coming later in the month, Life Book 2024 Taster Sessions for 2 weeks. This event usually coincides with my school holidays for which I am always grateful. 
Join HERESessions will begin on 25th of September and will run until 8th October 2023. 
Happy September. May the sun shine on you and may you be inspired to spend time doing what you love as you head into Spring or Autumn. 


  1. Must have been a gorgeous masterboard to produce those lovely card fronts! Happy September, xoxo

  2. Thanks for your dedication and hard work in writing this blog


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