Monday, July 3, 2023

Looking forward

You may have noticed my last review post was April! While I've made progress with some projects, and watched lots of inspirational lessons, I've not got many finished things to share. It's now school holidays again, so I thought I'd give you a bit of a review since April and share what I'm looking forward to, including some more free classes. In May, I did make Mothers' Day cards
and I managed to make some master sheets from May Fodder School lessons with Tiffany Sharpe
I've enjoyed watching cool lessons in June with Karen Elaine in Fodder School and I'm hoping that this holidays I'll be able to combine both ideas into one project for me. 
I've been working in my JIYA Journal created from Megan Quinlan's class and combined with lettering techniques learned with Wendy Solganik's lettering class. Here are a few of those completed spreads : 
June was the final month for Roxy's stitched "Down the garden path" project. I have loved having these prompts and am so happy with my progress. These are the bits you haven't seen yet : Pond, Tree, Favourite Flowers and Birdhouse (not yet complete)
Our final prompt is "choose your own adventure" - decide how you want to finish. Hopefully in a few days I'll be ready to share my completed roll.
I've been looking forward to my 2 week July school holidays which started this past weekend. As well as having planned a couple of mini breaks away and play days with friends, there are lots of free creative events that I know from experience will inject some arty joy into my time off. See the free events in my previous post, which includes information about the Make, Create, Express weekendGet Messy's Junk Journal July, and the Free Fodder Challenge from Fodder school (preparing for Fodder School 3) Register HERE
Laly Mille is reopening her Free Art Journal Dreams retreat from 19-25 July. Join hereIt's the same as the one she did in March 2023, but you are welcome to repeat or join fresh. 
As well as those, Francisca Nunes has announced a free class on making a Flowers Magic Art Journal. 
This is in preparation for her upcoming Flowers Magic Art Fest event - I'll share more details when I know them.
Go HERE for links to both. The art journal class is available right now. You may remember that last year I took part in the 2022 Flowers Magic journal class and created this beauty
Looking forward to this year's offerings and hopefully some progress made in taking this journal to the next stage. 
So plenty to look forward to, but I always struggle to be as productive in our NZ Winter months. This year as an added distraction, I've got myself a new job! It was my last day as  part-time librarian and part-time office adminstrator at Carncot Independent School on Friday. I am now on school holidays for the first 2 weeks of July and then I will be the Palmerston North Intermediate Normal School full-time (40 hour/week during term time) librarian. I am so excited. I know this will impact my art practice and I need to think about my expectations of myself, but for now - it's school holidays ♥ I hope to continue to post here on my blog as time and motivation allows, but I do so more regularly on my Instagram and Facebook Artist's page. Hope to share again soon.

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