Friday, March 31, 2023

March review

To be honest, I've been struggling this month. I have been feeling flat, tired and unmotivated. It's a combination of living with regular migraines and sadness that we are heading towards winter with less daylight hours to play. As always - this monthly review post is a great reminder that I am still being creative, and have lots to look forward to in April. 
I had thought that the #100 day project was just too much for me but then I thought of trying #100daysofstamps and I was inspired...for a few days! I've let go of this idea, but as you look through this post you'll see I've had stamps on my mind. I managed to create a little collage fodder with commercial stamps
and I had a lovely creative weekend with a friend 
where I was able to finally have a play with our fodder school lessons from last month with Lucie Duclos
Fodder school in March has been with Jane Chipp. I've made a start and will share more detail in another post when I've done a bit more.
I've been working a little in my JIYA JournalI used some of my own stamps to do this page 
And I did this page too 
No supplies purchased this month, but I would like to add lettering with more confidence to this journal so I signed up to Wendy Solganik's 
Love your (imperfect) letters class when she offered a 3 day special. I like to support artists I love and Wendy's classes are life-time access and always packed with information.

I've made progress on my stitched "Down the garden path" roll. I'm keeping up with the fortnightly prompts and loving how this is evolving. This month our prompts were Pots of Flowers and Garden Creatures or Visitors. Another use of stamps : since it's a New Zealand garden I stitched over stamped images of a fantail and a bee
I've seen this free online event come up again for its sixth year: 
The initial release of workshops was from March 20 - April 1, with 2 new sessions released each day. After that you can able to watch all the sessions until April 20th. More information about the artists involved and sign up HERE.
Our first lot of school holidays start from Easter and I am looking forward to finding more motivation and creative time. I see there are less visitors to my blog and I think many people use the quick instagram fix now. You can find me there and on Facebook with more regular updates but I will continue to blog my main projects and a monthly review because it's a nice record for me.  I hope you are finding time and enthusiasm for creativity where you are. 


  1. I LOVE the wedding photos. Absolutely gorgeous. Interested to see how you may finally use them.
    My current favourite is still 'Down the Garden Path'

    1. I fully intend to complete the altered photo project during the school hols. I am quite excited about it

  2. Thanks for your enthusiasm and creativity in writing this blog


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