Saturday, December 31, 2022

Book in a box

I've completed my final project for 2022. It's a book of gelli prints from a combination of the first two months of lessons in Fodder School 2. We started in October with lessons from Rebecca Sower on Colour mixing, Gelli printing and Collage composition - so much in there to refer back to again and again. These are from my first gelli printing session.
I didn't manage to make any finished collages, but I knew our next lessons were with Drew Steinbrecher, another gelli print artist, and perhaps his project might work in combination with what I'd already done. I had already made these prints with inspiration from his free sessions in July
His project was to collage a board book. He re-used a children's book, but I already had this board book in a box that's been in my cupboard for a number of years (sorry no idea where it came from!) 
I combined gelli prints from both sessions with what I had learned from Rebecca about composition, and it seems no project is complete for me without words (these are Tim Holtz Idea-ology : Big Chat). 
It was challenging to work in this narrow format to begin with (20cm w x 8.5cm h) but then I enjoyed the stretch and got into a rhythm.
I thought that I would want to add more marks and embellishments to the pages, but once it was all glued down and I paged through, I decided I enjoy being able to focus on the simplicity of these colours and patterns. Click on the photos to see the words larger. 
Happily there were some perfect spaces on the back of the box for me to stamp and date my project.
I learned so much from these lessons. I was limited to not include as many layers and texture as I normally would so the book would still fit inside the box and am happier with the outcome than I ever thought I'd be. 
It's New Year's Eve morning in New Zealand so I'll wish you a 2023 of discovery, love, laughter and creative joy  💜


  1. Oh, I REALLY like this! The long thin format is so interesting, and I'm sure a challenge as you noted. And I agree with you- it doesn't need more. It's simplicity and graphic look are very artistic as it is. Wonderful project!

    1. Thank you - I really appreciate your visits :-)


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