Monday, November 28, 2022


I work at a private school in Palmerston North, part-time librarian and part-time administration support. As part of my library role we have student librarians who help throughout the year. Since 2015 I've been making bookmarks for them all as a thank you. Every year it's VERY busy at this time, and every year I think it's important enough to create for my special helpers. These are my process photos and what they received this morning
Spray inks through stencils over an original stencil on watercolour paper from several years ago. Look really different once you cut them apart, curve the top edges and punch the hole
I thought I would have to add more but once I put the ribbon on, they are really cool. 
And I purchased a custom-made stamp for the back 
Especially lovely to hear some of them say they still have their bookmark from last year 💙 Check out my other postings about bookmarks from previous years here


  1. It's that time of year again! These are lovely.

  2. You must have the best job in the world working in that school library - and aren't those kids lucky! I'm thinking of doing Care December starting on Sunday - but I haven't decided yet! Thanks for popping in earlier - always lovely to hear from you! xx

    1. Yes - best job in the world ♥ I am going to do a December journal but not quite sure what form I can manage yet. Merry Merry!


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