Sunday, August 28, 2022

August update

I can't believe it's almost the end of another month. I've been very sick again with a cold that's affected my throat/ears/eyes and I am very over our wet winter. Spring is coming.... Trying to focus on what's giving me joy.  
I finally managed to frame up my abstract landscapes and this one lives on the shelf above my computer so I see it almost every day. 
Even though I've spent quite a lot of time on the couch this past week, I've been able to enjoy my lovely Magnolia outside my window and even more special, 2 Tui flirting with each other 
So amazing to have native birds this close when I live in town. 
I still love my monthly journal and I just got a new device for holding my phone for photos and video so hopefully I'll be able to share a flip through when I finish this one.
I've been playing again with master collage sheets - I played with a couple of techniques on my journal page above
The sheet above will appear in cards and, I expect, in this month's fodder school project. And the sheet below was inspired by a class with Laly Mille called "Art flow cards" - a free bonus if you're part of her online class network. I'll share how I use this later.
When I'm not in my monthly journal, any free art time has been spent on this month's Fodder School project which is a book by Wendy Solganik - take a peek at hers on instaThis is where I've got to so far. 
I'm taking it slow and loving every step of the process. 
Another free 10 days online art event begins 2nd of September. Sign up HERE
Hope it's not so long til I check in with you again. I do share a little more regularly on my FB Artist page and on my Instagram. I hope you are remembering to note the things that give you joy - they may be small, but they add up to increased happiness.


  1. My goodness - so much gorgeousness! The colours in your abstract landscape tie in so well with the colours in that cute figurine! The magnolia tree is magnificent! Is that the Susan variety? I have a small one I bought this year, still in a pot. It might take years before it flowers, though it's growing very nicely. I'll repot it this year and perhaps plant it out next year. So funny that we're going into autumn when you're going into spring! Hope you feel better soon from that wretched cold! xx

    1. Not sure about kind of magnolia - was here when we moved in - but it is certainly a glorious specimen

  2. ps: thanks for the course link - I must have missed that one!


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